Ken and Sarah Hockey – Connect/Young Adult Ministries

1. What do you do at Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle?

We are involved in young adult "Connect"  ministry for ages 18-30.
We provide fun times for all of the young Adults  in our church and we welcome all others to come and have opportunities to meet new people. We love being with the young adults and there is never one Wednesday night at 7pm that is the same!"

2. What do you do in your spare time?

In our spare time we enjoy being with our family, going skating, roller blading or swimming depending on the season  and creating new memories!

3. What’s your idea of a vacation?

“Our idea of a vacation is going on a cruise boat for as long as we can while we tour the world and take pictures along the way! Family and friends have to be with us on this trip of course!”

4. What makes you laugh?

Our friends make us laugh whenever they come to visit, and mainly fun experiences make us laugh and smile.

5. What is your favourite memory verse?

(Sarah) My favorite memory verse would be Proverbs 31:10-31 It is how women of Noble Character are to act, and that’s what I will push myself to be in God.

6. What is your most passionate desire?

To have a family and be the best Christ-like example I can be as a wife, mother, and friend to those with whom I come in contact.