Belarus Mission Trip 2007

By eptcan, June 6, 2011 3:34 pm

Belerus Gifts

Belarus Mission Trip – 2007
Six members of Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle (including our pastor) had the     honour and privilege of going to Belarus for 10 days Nov. 7-16. As a church we have   been supporting Pastor Alexander for a number of years and when the question was   asked, “What can we do help you further?” the answer was “Please come – visit with      us  and encourage us.”

Well, come we did. With the overflowing generosity of church and community, we were laden down with approx. 700 lbs. of goods. When we packed it into our suitcases, we asked the Lord to shrink it and when we arrived in Belarus, we asked the Lord to multiply it. It was such an honour to be able to share from our abundance with those who have so little!

The Bible says that true religion is to take care of the widows and orphans in their distress and we certainly saw that in action in the church in Belarus. Because there are no social programs to help those who have handicaps, the church is doing its best to help wherever it can. Adult diapers were one of the items we were requested to bring. With so little income, how can they afford these extras that are so necessary for their handicapped family member? Several families in the church have adopted children. There are many abandoned babies in Belarus. They remain in the hospital for up to 8 months and are then transferred to a state run orphanage where they stay until they are 18. A Christian organization is presently being set up to find Christian homes for these abandoned little ones.

We organized a fun evening for the children. Games were played and prizes awarded. At the end of the evening they were all given goodie bags full of little gifts and candies. Again, many handicapped children were also present! Such fun and such joy on their faces!

We were privileged to work with Pastor Alexander and his wife, Svetlana, in three worship services during that week. God certainly moved during those services. We prayed for many people who were suffering from sickness, pain, marital discord, smoking, drinking. One drunken man was drawn into a service off the street and fell in repentance at the altar. Others were drawn because of a dream or vision that God had given them. We prayed for several that gave their hearts to the Lord. What a humbling experience for us to see God move in the hearts of these precious people.

We say thank you to Missions partners for organizing this trip for us – all those little details that made our trip so enjoyable! We urge you, the reader, to keep Belarus in your prayers. Their need is so great. God invites all of us to be His hands extended, also in Belarus!

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